The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Greg's Last Sermon

This is Greg Hewlett's last sermon. He preached from John 1:1-14.

Word became FLESH

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory

This is perhaps one of the most mysterious statements ever written.

And the Word became flesh.

Put simply, the God of the universe, He who created all things – trees, monkeys, blades of grass, you, me, galaxies, helium, and oxygen, carbon, life – all things. The God of all creation became flesh.

This is what we call “the incarnation”. Incarnate – “become flesh”. Scandalous. Preposterous. Laughable. Paradoxical. Impossible. The Word became flesh.