The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Low residue diet details

For those who are generously making meals for us, the file below has the details of the diet I am now on. Generally, it is heavy on meat, light on breads and veggies, no whole grain or seeds. Where possible, please keep in mind Christine, who should be eating fiber - I don't have to eat everything prepared. Thanks for your service to us.

Click to download file: LowResidueDiet.doc

1 comment:

Dent Johnson said...

I have a friend that has diverticulitis and we would like to know something about foods that she can eat.