The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Waiting it out in Houston

Christine and I decided to wait it out here in Houston. I can work remotely and the rest of the time, we'll just relax. I begin prep again Tuesday for a redo of the biopsy procedure on Wednesday.

I've been taking my blood pressure since Thursday and it has been normal, even a little high. Go figure. Seems that the pressure drop was indeed the combination of fluid loss and the medication.

Incidentally, with the fasting and prep on Wednesday, I lost six pounds in one day - eat your heart out Atkins devotees. (I've always said the cancer diet beats Atkins hands down... but I don't recommend it.)


John Ciavola said...

you crazy, man

Bill Peck said...

Believe me, we'll be glad to have less of you but for a longer time.

Shannon said...

As for losing weight fast, my brother's been on the "divorce diet," one which he doesn't recommend either but says it works well...
Seems to fall into the cancer diets/unwanted diets category, too.
Hope you get to eat and gain some weight.
Keep us posted. Lots of love.

Adam said...

Great! - see you at Braum's.
Praying for a uneventful time in Houston.
- Adam

Carl said...

I am again reminded of your comment to me upon our first visit to Dallas after your marriage to Christine. It went something like: Bad days and unexpected events can make terrific stories. I never forgot that. I suppose you acquired that wisdom from your teenage bout with cancer. Personally, I think you and Chris are ready for some lovely humdrum days. I'll be praying for some boring, wonderful regular days for you and Chris. I remain welded to prayer and expectation for healing for you and Chris, In Jesus's Holy Name.

Roland Lindh said...

Greg: Get a hold of a copy of "Afternoons with Mr. Hogan." There's a lot of Christian borrowed capital in that man's life that has been largely unknown. No one called a "golfer" should miss reading this book. You will enjoy it immensley. I can't say there is an analogous relationship between your situation and his except that by any "reasonable analysis" he should have died - but he didn't. And after his accident and operations he won three majors two years after he was deemed to be as good as dead as a professional golfer! And he did it all without anyone realizing he was now almost blind in one eye! God will bring about His purpose yet in your life and it will be more glorious than a ticker tape parade down Broadway.

Brian M said...

Hang in there, brother. Jesus is in complete control. But you knew that already... I think it's great how you are still tossing in a little humor here and there... those doctors must think you're nuts by now :) , but you're good countenance in tough times is a witness to Christ's work in you. Let the puzzled world behold the joy that weathers the storm, the strength made perfect in weakness, the peace that passes all understanding. Maybe they will inquire of it's Source unto their salvation...
Keep on shining, my friend. My prayers are with you.