The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Update and thanks

Christine and I are still making decisions about how to move forward. we're facing tough choices.

As I think back, this is the fourth time since June 2003 that I've been told they could not operate. It is good to think back, because it gives me thanks to the Lord for my miraculous survival. I tend to forget just how dire things looked in the past. The first three times surgery was not an option, chemo was surprisingly successful and opened up a window for the surgery. Earlier this week, I received an email reply from my lung surgeon and he indicated that surgery "is not out of the question", but not an option now. However, I'm still trying to find out just how realistic surgery is and what needs to happen. This time sounds different. This pulmonary lymph node involvement is more serious than nodules in the lungs.

For those of you praying, I want to thank you for your continued faithfulness. And we have been encouraged by all your comments and emails. It is clear to me that "we haven't given up on you".


todd said...

Thanks for the update.
You and Christine are in our prayers.

Doug McCammish said...

We give thanks to the Lord for his son Jesus Christ.
We give thanks to the Lord for having you and your family in our lives. Your courage and faithfulness is truly an inspiration to all.
Love, Doug

Bud and Suzanne Hopkins said...

Funny, I was just checking a minute ago for an update on your website. And then your message of hope showed up. You will be in my prayers, we think you are amazing and the child of an Amazing God!

Henry Chu said...

God's way is the best way,
Tho' I do not see
Why sorrows and trials Oft gather' round me;
He ever is seeking
My gold to refine
So I humbly trust Him,
My Saviour divine.
God's way is the best way,
God's way is the right way,
I will trust in Him always
He knoweth the best
God's way shall be my way,
He knoweth the best,
Abd leaning upon HIm,
Sweet sweet is my rest.
No harm can befall me.
Safe safe shall I be
I will cling to Him ever,
So precious is He.
An old hymn by Lida Shivers Leech.
Take courage my brother.

Jenny said...

Everytime I read something you write I am reminded of the blessings of this life. The blessings include miracles, amazing medical advances, and hope. Thank you for servung as a reminder to me. I guess I sometimes come to recognize that no matter the outcome of our adventure of life, it is what we have done with our lives that matters most. You are an example of strength and courage to all who read your words.
As far as prayers go, you are ever in mine.

Gregg and Lisa Ellerhorst said...

Greg and Christine,
Perhaps you do not remember us, but we met you at the Garden Inn Bed'n'Breakfast in Galveston a couple years ago. We talked at breakfast about our lives challenges, and we shared with you the wonderful trip we had to Medjugjorje the previous year. We still have a quantity of holy water that we brought back with us. We have been distributing the water to friends since our return from our pilgrimage, and would very much like to send some to you and Christine. If you are interested please email me at
God Bless.

Jim Williams said...

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love!
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
Before our Father's throne
We pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
Our comforts and our cares.
We share our mutual woes,
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.
When we asunder part
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
Old Hymn by John Fawcett
In Christian love,

colleen said...

Greg, I've always so admired your strength as a leader in following Christ. It's good to see that so strong here. You constantly show how much good can come from knowing that when you need to be comforted, God is there to hold you like a baby and when you're ready to be strong, God is there to stand with you.
As always, my prayers are with you.

John & Debbie said...

We most certainly have not given up on you. You and Christine continue to be in our prayers, there is much for all of us to be thankfull for!!

Chara said...

Greg, we are still praying for you and Christine! Thank you for sharing your struggles and victories with us.

Lynn Scroggin said...

In June the first three of my eight grandchildren were baptized. I have been praying for this miracle for 12 years. When I gave up that this would ever happen, God never did.
You have been such an inspiration to all of us all these years. My prayer is that God's plan for you is soon revealed and that his comfort, healing and peace are witnessed by all of us in your life. Lynn (TPC)

Jim and Coco said...

I remember the time our families were in Colorado Springs and Mike Cornwall's son in law picked you up and carried you up the hill. May you find that same confidence in the LORD as once again HE picks you up and takes you up the hill!
GOD bless,
Jim and Coco

David and Charlene said...

We are continuing to pray for you; our small group prayed for you last night.
Please let us know when you plan to be up in the DC area and we will find a way to meet up with you and Christine.
We love you and thank God for all the ways you have blessed us.

Connie Pettitt said...

Thank you for the update..
Phil 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in GREG will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ
Stay in His Word & enter His Presence alone. . . daily.
Please stay in touch.
We're agreeing with you in prayer daily..

carl said...

One day at a time and trust in the Lord is what I do