The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

How You Can Help

Many friends have offered various kinds of help during Greg's treatment and recovery, and for such offers he is indeed grateful. As most of you know, Christine suffers from chronic pain and regular migraines, so this new situation with Greg could make things difficult.

For those of you who are in the area (or even not) and would like to help Greg and Christine, their brother-in-law Mike Burck is assembling a "care team" and a list of needs to match. Contact Mike if you are willing and able to help with things like meals, rides, grocery shopping, miscellaneous chores, etc.
In your email please indicate the kind of help you would be able to provide as well as your general availability.


Tom Kistner said...

I am normally at home or running errands not too far from home, so I would be available for rides or anything else that might be needed. If a specific time needs to be covered, just let me know and I will make it available. Otherwise, if I am not really tied up, I will be happy to respond at any time.

Pete Pagan said...

Greg -
You are like a second son to me and I love you dearly. Just wanted you to know how often I think about you and pray God's special blessing for you and Christine. I remember so many good times we have had together over the years and recall the last dinner you and I shared here in Seattle. What a special day it had been for you. We had a great dinner together and talked and prayed together before you had to go back to your hotel. And our times at Glen Eyrie were so special also. We will keep praying and reading your updates. Much love to you all,

Rosemary Cromer Boustany said...

Dear Greg,
Just a word from the Kappa Deltas at Drury who had the joy of knowing your Mom and Dad during their college years, and have been proud and happy for them as their family grew. We all are sending prayers and good thoughts your way as you struggle with cancer again; we have asked the current chapter of Kappa Deltas at Drury to add you to their prayer list; we thank you for sharing your thoughts, poems, and all the information about the disease and its' treatment; and we confidently look forward to your recovery and many happy years in the future.
Rosemary Boustany

Nancy Lucke said...

Greg, I am Glenn Lucke's mother. He e-mailed me about you and your situation. I live in Houston &
am involved with a Presbyterian Outreach to Patients program here where many of our church's send volunteers at designated days to the various Med Ctr hospitals to call on patients there. I personally volunteer at Hermann. We have team members who call regularly at M.D.Anderson. If you wind up here our churches here have combined efforts and finances to provide very affordable housing for patients and/or their families while they are here for treatment. Should you and members of your family be here please call me and I will put you/them in touch with the people who assign our 80 some-odd apartments near the Med Ctr to those who need them.
God Bless You in your battle and give you strength.
Nancy Lucke