The Struggle Has Ended

Greg Hewlett passed away on January 17th after nearly eight years of battling colon cancer. While we grieve his loss, we are comforted to know that he is with his Lord.

If you would like to leave your thoughts on Greg, please see this thread.

If you would like to make a charitable donation in Greg's honor, please see this thread.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Scavenger hunt victory

Well, the reports weren�t sufficient for MD Anderson. They want the original films and actual pathology slides before scheduling an appointment. Ugh.

I suppose this makes sense if they are really going to give a true second opinion diagnosis. They don�t want mere interpretations from others � they want the goods. I had thought the plan was for me to take them with me when I went, but they want them up front. So this afternoon, mom and I played a high stakes game of scavenger hunt and managed to get into our actual hands the CT, MRI, and PET films. Each of these came from a different building in the UT Southwestern complex and each had different release permission requirements. We made it to FedEx just in time to ship them off to Cali, my patient advocate at MD Anderson. We were pleased with our victory. The only item still remaining is the actual set of pathology slides from the evil man with the staple gun. Those have to be sent directly from lab to lab. Perhaps MD Anderson will be ready tomorrow to schedule an appointment for me with all but the slides in their hands � I hope so.
I�m emotionally drained from trying to keep this process moving. Everyone says not to be anxious about all this. I agree, but it really seems that my continued pressure has been required to keep this process moving. I think I�ve irritated about half of the staff at these two institutions calling, questioning, confirming, and reconfirming what they need, what they have, and what needs to be sent. But I keep on it because the rules and requirements seem to change depending who and when I call. Still, they're kind to me and probably quite used to it.
And now, tonight, as I rest after the scavanger hunt victory, I realize I've done everything I can do and now must trust it all comes together. That's my prayer.
By the way, I tolerated the double dosage of iron today well. Next Monday and Thursday I scheduled getting a triple dosage. They think that is all I�ll need to get my strength back.


Bill Peck said...

My guess is that this effort and activity is actually useful to your battle mode psychology. No doubt it is tiring (mentally and physically) and you are not the in-your-face type of person for whom badgering others is a natural process. But at this stage these mini-projects are the tangible things you CAN do to fight the good fight. And God will give you the energy for this war, I am sure, including for these skirmishes.
Since you had a 2X dose of iron, you should get at least one Dos Eqis (sp?) in reward, and, after the 3X doses, round up to 2 Dos Eqis after each.

Carl said...

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead

sue said...

Looks like yesterday was another harrowing day at UT Southwestern! We will keep up the prayers for a speedy appt at MD Anderson.

Judy Wu said...

Yes - getting into MD Anderson can be likened to storming the Bastille, except the patient is the one that feels run over (!) We can talk more. Hang in there and press on! Hold on to the thought that all this legwork ahead of time saves time for you overall and will maximize your consultation when it happens. This too shall pass :)

Clay said...

I have been to Anderson on a second consultation and can appreciate your effort. Hang in there.
As your Dad can attest, all projects have many components. Some are part of the critical time path and some are not. Even if you do not get into Anderson until sometime next week, it is very unlikely that chemotheraphy and/or surgery will go forward until your red count improves, as you know all too well. The iron treatments and rest are part of the critical path. MD Anderson has all next week to look you over, consult with your medical team and jointly resolve the best approach to overcoming your current health challenges.
Delays in the critical path of your treatment are worthy of battle. Don't let other delays create unnecessary anxiety. Too much anxiety is not good for one's health. Just food for thought.
Linda & I are praying for your quick response to the iron treatments and your continued focus on achieving each step in your critical path to full recovery.

David Pagan said...

I have been wondering all week what I could do to help, beyond offering our prayers for you and Christine. The distance between DC and Texas seems much greater now. After reading your latest post, I thought I could offer my service of being persistent, insistent, etc. via telephone to aid in any future hunts like this one.
Reading this also reminded me of our scavenger hunt victory back in high school that required running across Love Field with you in a wheelchair so we could get a Polaroid picture in the cockpit of a plane. I guess after 9/11 that wouldn't be possible.
We will continue to be in prayer for you.

Fran said...

Looks to me that from the time you have been handed lemons, you are doing an admirable job of making lemonade! Love and prayers, as always.

Bob & Linda McKenzie said...

It appears you are headed to Houston.
Please feel free to let anyone know that when you do come to Houston they can stay with us. Although we are not 'across the street' from MD Anderson (we are in The Woodlands), the price, I'm sure, will be right and there is, for those who would want/need it, a commuter bus service that runs from a park & ride about two miles from our house to MD Anderson (Holcombe & J. Freeman). I think it runs like twice in the morning and three times in the afternoon.
Our prayers are with you, Christine, and your mom and dad. If we can help in anyway from Houston call, fax, e-mail

Andrew Russell said...

I just found out and read through some of the website. then i looked at the picture of you playing the guitar for a few minutes and started crying. wendy walked in at this point, but she didn't start laughing at me or anything. we prayed for you and christine. we will continue to pray. when this is all over, i'm inviting both of you to come and spend a couple weeks down here with us.